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Journeys Through Mountains and Parks

photo by Jamie J Brown

Jackson County…the Bull Pen…. Walden area…

However you refer to this magnificent area, journeys are endless in this grand valley locals refer to as North Park. The Northwest Colorado Cultural Heritage Tourism program has worked hard to preserve the nostalgic ways of life not only here, but in all of North West Colorado through a series of marketing projects.

One popular project they’ve worked hard to create is a compilation of journey’s though Northwest Colorado to share the history behind the “Boundless Landscape and Spiritual People” that once settled the area. In North Park, they have created five journeys in which they provide a brief description of a highlighted tour and a map color coded to encourage the history buff to venture into unknown areas and enjoy while learning about the journey trail they are on. Below is a list of the journey’s the NWCHT has highlighted in North Park with links embedded to their site if you want to learn more about these fascinating adventures in and around our area.

The Buffalo Pass Journey, the North Park Journey, the Arapahoe National Wildlife highlight and the North Park Energy Trail are all showcased as historical points of interest on this trail. If you peruse the NWCHT website further you will find a great deal of information about local events in Northwest Colorado, Day Trips, Interpretive Signs, a Video Library and Museum Maps that highlight our very own North Park Pioneer Museum.

The Northwest Colorado Heritage Tourism Project mission is “Through collaboration, interpret the vast heritage of Northwest Colorado and impart the legacy and stories of the region and its communities in order to generate economic vitality.” Walden-North Park is a proud partner in this venture which started about 7 years ago when representative from Jackson, Routt, Moffat, Rio Blanco and Garfield County started sharing the value of the people and history in each community truly set Northwest Colorado apart from the rest of the state.

Learn more about the Colorado Northwest Heritage Tourism project at You can also subscribe to their newsletter for up to date information.

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