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A Century Old Tradition Continues

1989 Colorado Centennial Ranch

The windmill was built in 1900, just two years after Charles Henry Fischer homesteaded in "New Park" in 1898. Many things remain from those years the Fischer ranch first put roots in the ground in Jackson County. The bunk house built in 1901 still stands as well as the 1917 home that has raised four generations of Fischer cattlemen. Also remaining is Scott Fischer, a fourth generation owner of the Colorado Centennial Award Ranch located east of Walden.

The Fischer Ranch was also known as the Sledrunner Ranch in its early days. The property remains a working cattle ranch by the same blood, sweat and tears that settled the homestead in 1898. Scott Fischer and wife Jean live today in the original home that was built here. Scotts Great Grandfather, Dr. Charles Henry Fischer, originally homesteaded the place and son Albert (Scotts grand father) worked the ranch. In mid-1915 they purchased a spread located in what is now known as Fischer Draw by Independence Mountain. It was there that they broke horses for the Calvary for the Army during World War II.

In the 1920's Dr. Henry Fischer was shot and killed on the home ranch east of town. His son Albert then ran the cattle ranch with wife Grace Holderness who was a school teacher in Cowdrey. Albert became a lawyer and a judge, incidenlty he passed the reins to his good friend Earl Woliver (Patsy Tachers father). Woliver managed the ranch for many years. Fischers father hired a gentleman named Keith Holsinger to manage the ranch until young Scott graduated from the University of Wyoming.

Present day owner/operator, Scott Fischer began ranching the family outfit in 1985 upon

Scott Fischer, present day owner/operator

graduating from the University. At that time he also became a career lawman working as a Colorado State Trooper and then the Jackson County Sherriff. Tradition, hardwork and loyalty to community was instilled in the Fischer family through pioneer spirit and the family is still proud to call North Park home for nearly 120 years.

In 1989 the Colorado Department of Agriculture, Colorado Historical Society and the National Trust for Preservation recognized the Fischers as being an agriculture entity operating the same farmstead for more than 100 years. Few ranches in North Park are left family operated and even fewer have reached Centennial Distinction. The Fischer Ranch joins an elite list of names with the Brands Ranch (1878), Kohlman Ranch (1879), Wattenberg Ranch (1884), Rich Ranch (unknown) and the Berquist Ranch (1893).

The Fischers windill built in 1900 stands still, 117 years later.

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